So. You’re finally awake. You feel like a completely different person. You ARE a completely different person. Maybe something happened to you externally that forced a change internally? You feel this longing for a better life. It’s beautiful. You begin rearranging things that are no longer in alignment with this “new you.” You let go of people, places and things that are unhealthy. You feel connected to spirit more than ever before and you begin to see, feel and connect to this unlimited potential that is you. You begin your journey. You exercise, meditate, study more and eat naturally. You have an increased appreciation for nature and you find peace there. You’re more compassionate. You’re practicing the “Golden Rule” more and more. Your capacity to love is expanding. Wow. Who knew life could be this good?
Hmmm. Wait a minute. Something doesn’t fully jive. Even though things have transformed and you see the “light”…something seems to be missing. You’re not manifesting all of your desires. You’re still experiencing emotional ups and downs, anxiety, and negative thoughts. More than that, this state of “enlightenment” that people speak of seems pretty far-fetched. Most importantly; you’re still on the fence when it comes to the concept of “true love.”
Where have I gone wrong? You ask. Did I take a right when I should have gone left? Self-doubt and frustration set in. You fall back a few steps. This is actually a good thing! No, this is a fantastic thing. Why? Because you are conscious enough to recognize that that you require more work. You care. You want to live your life to its fullest potential. Guess what? You can. And, you will.
The thing is…you’ve been looking for love in all the wrong places. You’ve been looking for EVERYTHING in all of the wrong places. You have looked outside of YOU for happiness. You’ve been thinking waaay too much. Living in your head way more than your heart. I know what your next question is. (I’m psychic). How do I get out of my head and into my heart? How do I turn off this constant chatter? Don’t fret, it is possible.
Even though we collectively feel more connected than ever before; there are still things that we need to look at and work through before we can get “there.” And then, when we’re “there”….we must continue as we’re never really there. Confused? Don’t be.
We have been carrying around our past, deep down in our bodies. We talk about the past with everyone and it has become our story—the story entitled “why.” It has been the reason for the struggle. Well. It is time to end the story as it is the only way to be free. This story has made us think that we are someone that we are not. We have limited ourselves. Why? How do you limit divine creation? Does the mystery that we call “God” have a limit? You know the answer. You know ALL of the answers!
When we let go of the past and begin to see who we really are; we are reborn. Think of yourself as a child. Close your eyes and sit with that light, adorable, curious, silly child. That innocent little rainbow doesn’t have negative self-loathing thoughts. That child lives in love and laughter, do they not? That child loves, trusts, seeks, learns, plays and wonders. Hmmm. Can we do that as adults? Of course we can. How? I will share.
We must seek guidance. Guidance comes in many forms. We can meditate (we know this) pray, and call on our angels--and we should. We can also greatly benefit from guidance from a coach or spiritual healer. Reiki and breath work are incredibly powerful. In fact, I feel that working with a healer is imperative on the journey back to YOU.
Step 2. SELF LOVE. This is it. This is the REAL answer. We have to love ourselves inside out, upside down and all around. It sounds simple, but a lot of us are not loving ourselves. Learn to love all of you. The things that make you unique. Your skills, your talents, your gifts, your weirdness, your crooked smile, your wild hair, your extra 10 pounds, your off key singing, your corny sense of humor, your scary morning face—ALL OF YOU. Look in the mirror every day and say “I love you, I love you.” “You are beautiful!” Change. Your. Thoughts. Realize, really realize that there is only one YOU. Don’t compare, because there is no comparison. Let that sink in. There is only ONE YOU. Once you really love yourself—watch what happens. Unconditional love for all beings. How does that sound? Things will start to change around you. No more fear…just warm, tingly, smiley, delicious, engaging, connected LOVE. It’s possible. You are unlimited potential. Pure endless blue skies—that’s what you are.
Remember those 2 infamous prophets that walked the earth thousands of years ago? They were magical, creators of miracles. So are YOU. You are Buddha and Jesus. You are God! You were made in his form. How could you not love that??
You can do this. You will rise… and when you do—stay there. Keep your heart open and let it lead you back to you —always.
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