My eyes pierced through time. I recalled that face in the light.
His heart bright pink magic, his gifts remain bright.
Left speechless and tingly.. which is very hard to do.
Then he shocked me with words that rang eerily true.
Finally now. I feel the essence that is ME.
Completely connected. Wild and Free.
Still there are times I'm perplexed, even jaded.
More than once hurt, left breathless and baited.
Something in him... doesn't like to choose.
So what is this thing? Am I just a muse?
Maybe it's that I'm again meant to lead?
This big open heart, a slow steady bleed.
But all of us vibe when we're in the same place!
Still everything stops when I look at his face.
Wait.. I learned in dream time. She said that he's strong.
With hope and a prayer, God.. don't let her be wrong.
If he could just see.. how he makes us all feel.
He'd be ready to share. He'd know how to heal.
Heard of some visions. Sure, they're clever predictions, but I know what I know...
It's against my convictions.
So with love and admiration, I hold space for it all.
The fear, the hurt... We'll both rise if you fall.
He questions time, his worth and his space.
But hold on... have I yet mentioned the look on his face?
Well, there's one thing I know that I won't second guess.
His energy is beautiful despite his big "mess."